Not only at gym or at the beach, muscular warm up can also be done at workplace to condition our muscles for daily physical effort.
Every morning, before start working, 10/15 min. of muscular warm up help our body to reduce possible musculoskeletal injuries. Furthermore, such moment is useful to check personal health status of the day: in the event that psycho-physical conditions are not suitable and work performances as well as safety can be compromised, it’s possible to examine worker in a timely manner.
Working team forms a circle and, on a rotation basis (a different “Spotter” for each day), a worker inside the circle performs and coordinates warm up routine. Meanwhile a supervisor checks if attendants are all carrying out exercises. Later on people form two lines (facing each other) and check potential damages to colleague’s Personal Protective Equipment. Practice ends with safety toolbox meeting of the day.
Warm up your muscles before working and your body as well as safety will thank you!
See attached warm up exercises guide.
Jesus Delgadillo Romero
(Health, Safety & Environment Professional and Coordinator)