In works exposed to extreme temperatures or in ones requiring considerable effort, hydration plays a key role and staying hydrated affect health positively as well as safety indirectly.

Frequent hydration, indipendently from thirst, helps body performances as follows

  • greater muscular efficiency
  • adequate body temperature regulation
  • mental effort rise
  • lucidity and responsiveness preservation

To avoid dehydration is important to understand ominous signs like

  • dry mouth
  • sleepiness
  • tiredness
  • thirst
  • headache
  • dizziness
  • muscular spasms
  • weakness
  • loss of concentration
  • responsiveness slowdown
  • limbs extremities temperature decreasing

A useful system to prevent such symptoms is hydration assessment trough urine check and, basing on its color, drink as needed. Sticking a urine colors infographic close to toilet fixtures could be helpful for this purpose.

Stay awake and responsive on the job: don’t wait thirst, drink in advance!


See attached Cleveland Clinic infographic and picture.